
Buying Silver & Gold Bullion Online
Both silver and gold are and have been coveted stores of value far longer than any other competing money or currency.
Governments and central banks diversify their savings and prepare for an uncertain future by buying gold bars and officially owning close to 1/5t of the world’s purported above ground gold supply (combined jewelry, scrap, and bullion).
Silver and gold have the longest historic track record as dependable money without default. By their inherent natures these two monetary metals continue to be sought after and coveted by human beings all over the world.
Gold Bars
Gold bars are typically made of .999 fine gold and come in various sizes and shapes. The range in gold bar sizes typically varies from as large as 400 oz to 1 gram gold bars.
Investors, governments, and central banks buy and own gold bullion bars to diversify their savings and prepare for an uncertain future. Investors often choose to buy gold bullion bars for their typical lower price per ounce over the fluctuating gold spot price compared to government minted gold coins.
Gold Coins
Gold coins are typically made of 24k or 22k gold and come in various sizes and shapes. The range in gold coin sizes typically varies from 1 oz to 1 gram gold coins.
By industry definition, gold coins are struck by government mints and usually have a legal tender face value from the nation or union from which they come from. In contrast gold bullion bars are both struck by private mints and government mints usually without legal tender face values.
Often investors are willing to pay a slightly higher price for gold coins given their ease of recognition, vastly liquid two-way markets, and government backing or guarantee.
Silver Coins
Modern silver coins are typically made of .999 fine silver bullion and they too come in various sizes and shapes. The typical range in silver coin sizes varies from 1 kilo to 1 oz silver coins.
By industry definition, silver coins are struck by government mints and usually have a legal tender face value from the nation or union from which they originate from. In contrast silver bullion bars are both struck by private mints and government mints and typically do not have legal tender face values.
Investors are often willing to pay a slightly higher price per ounce for silver coins given their ease of recognition, large liquid two-way markets, and government backing or guarantee.
21st Century Silver & Gold Bullion Buying
Since about the year 2000, there has been a steady increase in gold and silver prices as well as in the investing public’s buying of gold and silver bullion bars and coins. During and after the financial crisis of 2008, the trend of online silver and gold bullion buying and selling has increased substantially around the world.